

A classic melee weapon, it specializes in close to medium range combat offering speed and versatility.


Progression order: Stone/Wood > Copper > Bronze > Iron > Steel > Mithril

Damage on hit (tick): ~10-15 dps (base copper) against target, no DR applied

Length (studs): 5.5 studs

Surface area (damaging part size): Large

Special attack(s): Double-click M1 for a lunging attack.


4 Metal + 1 Haft



The sword is a melee weapon, reliable for use in close to medium range combat engagements. It offers fast slashing and lunging speed, together with a special attack that is triggered with a double click of your left mouse called 'lunging', just like any other Roblox classic sword gear. It is by far the most versatile weapon, adaptable to a wide range of situations and only losing out in specific niches to more specialized weapons, such as the spear for range.

General Combat Tips

  • When in combat with any weapon, make sure that you have shiftlock enabled. This gives you more control over your weapon and makes it easier for you to hit your enemy, avoiding the need to constantly readjust your camera as you turn. Do not use first person either as you'll be unable to see what's around you.
  • When in combat with a sword, keep in mind that its (large) damaging hitbox does damage on touch to any body part. This means you want to spam your lunge attack at all times in combat while moving your mouse left and right so as to 'cut' through the enemy's body hitbox, ensuring you are hitting the maximum amount of parts possible as the sword goes through. For more tips on this, look into generic swordfighting combat.
  • When using a spear, keep in mind that the thrusting animation does not hit your enemy if they are too close to you - this is due to the very small hitbox on the tip. The spear is best used when chasing someone for the longer range or when trying to ward someone off as they chase you, forcing them to relinquish distance so they aren't poked to death while you walk backwards.
  • When using ranged weapons in combat, don't. Lag and constant strafing/jumping make it almost impossible for any shot to hit unless you are quite literally breathing down the neck of your enemy, in which case you should be using a melee weapon. Ranged weapons also slow you down when reloading and also while you aim, giving the person distance to run away from you and disengage or to get closer to you as you hopelessly try to hit them.
  • Using armor is paramount to your success, as well as shields, together. Never use one or the other separately, as their defense/DR bonuses need to stack to be able to give any meaningful protection. Even Volcadon armor or shield, when worn separately, aren't powerful enough to protect you effectively from someone using a full copper set plus weapons.
  • Hiding your armor and shield is a good strategy to test the character of any given person, or just to get them by surprise when they aren't looking because of the 'noob' impression.
  • Experienced players will often retreat when they are in a losing fight. It is up to your discretion whether it is worth it to chase or to ambush them somewhere else where you have the advantage. Inspect your surroundings - are there boats they can use to escape, catapults, other enemies, etc.? Look around and pay attention before making a decision.
  • In regards to ambushes, it is always best to have the advantage before entering combat. If you must attack someone who is always surrounded by friends and/or takes care not to leave their backs open for attack, lie in wait until an opportunity arises and engage in combat when they least expect it. Such tactics will almost always end up with the person panicking, and if not, with a severe health point disadvantage which you can then exploit in order to win the duel.
  • Never go straight up to an experienced player, full armor and weapons in view, expecting to win any fight. They will be prepared to do all it takes to force either a tie, a very close win/loss or retreat, none of which are good for you especially when they have allies around.


The sword is a very versatile weapon that is able to dish out good damage to any enemies within range of it with proper technique. It comes in the usual tiered system, with every tier doing an extra 20% damage (multi). As with any other classic sword in Roblox, it has a basic slash attack and a 'lunge' that can be executed by double-clicking your left mouse button. This lunge is the bread and butter of the sword, capable of doing massive damage in 1v1s and common fights alike depending on the skill of the user with the techniques available.

Below is a list of tips for fighting with a sword:

  • The most basic technique you will want to use is the 'lunge' attack mentioned before. While not very damaging when executed incorrectly, it is able to do damage to multiple body parts when shaken left and right as you lunge. To do this, simply move your mouse left and right as quickly and accurately as you can into the enemy's body, ensuring you are hitting them for a good chunk of their health as the sword goes through their body parts.
  • Do not bother using the basic attack. It considerably shortens the range of the weapon and is not very damaging by itself unless the enemy literally walks into you.
  • As mentioned in the general tips, using shiftlock is the most optimal way of fighting with a sword as it locks your camera in place, making it easier to maneuver and more comfortable to readjust your position as needed. Using third-person instead of first-person is also required, as it lets you keep watch of your surroundings and prevents you from being flanked as easily.
  • Always commit to your sword attacks and be relentless when pushing into an enemy. Do not give them room to breathe and do not retreat yourself if you do not need it. Ensure you are always rushing and hitting them with your lunges as best you can, given that you will more often than not end up at an advantage as they try to reposition and maneuver around your attacks while failing to do significant damage to you.
  • When in combat with someone using a sword, try to keep to their left side (the one not holding the sword). This ensures that you are attacking a spot where they cannot counter as easily, given that they will have to turn and reposition their sword to hit you - resulting in you taking less damage overall.
  • Jump spam is not recommended against experienced players. Some of them will attempt (and, more often than not, succeed) to 'pre-lunge' at the position you will end up at after your jumps, chunking a huge amount of your health in the process. Jumping also makes your lunges less likely to hit, as you will be lunging at the air half of the time while you try to reposition.
  • When against a player who is jump happy, try to synchronize your jumps with your enemy. If done right, this will leave them with no options but to take free damage as their lunge ends mid-air, while yours is starting right at the apex and down with them as they fall, cutting right through.
  • More often than not, you will go against players with higher latency than normal. This will often be shown by them hitting you from extreme distances as they use their lunge, or you hitting their body and not dealing any (or less) damage. To counter these players, you have to instead predict their movements and aim your lunges at their 'ghost', so to speak - the place where their hitbox actually is according to the server. This is easier said than done and will not be reliable against all players, but you can mitigate your disadvantage rather effectively in general using this tip - as seen in this video (courtesy of MisterrZira's shitty 200ms internet).

As extra advice, we suggest you look into generic Roblox sword fighting. Many of these techniques have been extensively tested and applied by successful players in clans and custom duels to win all kinds of combat situations. The video below condenses the basics really well, with the only difference being that you have to take into account the damage reduction given by armor and adapt accordingly:

Extra Stats

This data was collected a while ago with the intention of showing how damage per second is calculated for melee weapons. It is applicable to any melee weapon that uses the default metal progression, although it is best to consider this more accurate for a sword.

  • Damage resistance is not taken into account for this data (armor). Tests were performed on a player with no damage modifiers.
  • These tests were performed in a controlled and stable environment. Expect significant DPS difference when in a real combat situation (dodging, poor technique, etc).
  • For reference: the first column shows amount of time damage was done, second column shows weapon used, third column shows combat actions, fourth column shows total damage done within the specified amount of time, and the fifth column shows the DPS number.
5 secondscopperswordstatic, lunge usage, no lunge shake~50-5510.6
5 secondscopperswordstatic, no lunge, only basic attack~60-6512.6
5 secondscopperswordstatic, no attack, walking into sword~60-6512.6
5 secondscopperswordstatic, jumping into sword~80-8516.6