Cart Elevator


A simple elevator that uses a cart and a few segment pieces to provide a controllable up-down elevator.


Progression order: No progression order available

Patched?: No

Time to build: 5 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Needed objects: Knife/Chisel/Trowel, 1 Cart, 1 Segment (any material)

Materials used: 1 Cart, 1 8x2x1 piece, 1 2x2x1 piece, 1 4x2x1 piece




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A simple creation that involves a cart and some segment pieces to make a fine-tuned elevator that adjusts speed based on how much of your lower body is pressing down on the segment. To raise up slower, press only the tip; to go faster, move your full body into it and it will rise. The same procedure also works for going down, as you can see in the video below.
