Lone Mountain


The most known location for players who want to obtain mithril, this island is a guaranteed spawn on every server.


Progression order: No progression order available


The 'lone mountain' island is, as the name implies, an island with a single, lone mountain in it that is surprisingly livable with only a few necessities needed for self-sufficiency. It contains a source of food (bears), ores ranging from copper all the way to mithril, and enough respawnable stone to build an entire fortress around the island for defense. The only requirements from outside are a rope (for a well) and logs if you intend to plant or build any other necessary wooden structures.

Mithril Location

This mithril spot is among the easiest to reach to, as you only need a bunch of stone or other materials to stack up to the place. Ladders and other buildings can make it a lot easier and convenient to get to as well. Video with guide on how to reach the node below.